Today the girls had their first Dentist appointment, ever! They were a little apprehensive but they were great through it all. Mia has no cavities while Emma does have a couple that we have to go back and get filled next week.

Join us around the campfire as we reflect on the goings on of the past few days and pass around a picture or two.
Today the girls had their first Dentist appointment, ever! They were a little apprehensive but they were great through it all. Mia has no cavities while Emma does have a couple that we have to go back and get filled next week.
Posted by Marci at 9:12 PM 3 comments
Posted by Marci at 9:10 PM 3 comments
I hate swimsuit shopping!!!! Maybe once I get down to my goal weight I might feel better about it, but I'm not going to guarantee that. I had to go but a new swim suit so I could take the girls swimming this summer, and with the way the weather is going it will be sooner than later.
Why do I hate swimsuit shopping? Well, for all you guys out there, because all women understand this, every flaw is totally pointed out and highlighted as you try on swim suit after swim suit, trying to find one that will hide all the extra weight that you've managed to put on over the past years. Also, add insult to injury, I'm only planning on needing this new suit for a couple of months seeing as my goal is to lose the extra weight by the end of the year, so I had to shell out cold hard cash on something I despise doing as well as something that hopefully will not be used for more than this season!
Anyway, I finally found something that will work for a price that won't break the bank. Thank goodness! We also got the girls each a new swim suit, oh to be young again and to love swim suit shopping. When we got home they had to model their swimsuit for Erik. Here they are Mia and Emma!
Posted by Marci at 5:47 PM 3 comments
So, I found a coupon for buy one dozen of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, get one dozen of their original glazed FREE! Anyone who knows me knows that I can't pass up a deal like this. The girls and I made a quick stop at Krispy Kreme yesterday to get our doughnuts!!
And to make it more educational, I found a worksheet with math questions dealing with doughnuts! So we came home last night and got straight to work filling out the worksheets so we could then fill our bellies with the doughnuts.
For someone who is trying to lose weight, I definitely ate too many doughnuts, but boy did they taste good!
Posted by Marci at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: Free Stuff and Deals, Home school, Math
Happy Earth Day everyone!!! In celebration of Earth Day the girls and I went and got some plants and planted them in containers on our patio. I can't wait until we get a house and are able to put in a garden but, container gardening will have to do for now!
We got a variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and a few seeds, as well as strawberries, which are Miriam's favorite. We had to go to 4 different places until we could find strawberry plants!
Planting was our main home school lesson today! That and shopping, and deciding what we needed to buy to be able to plant them, and learning just how much potting soil you need. We had to make a second trip back just for more potting soil! But it was definitely worth it to see the girls so excited!
Posted by Marci at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Gardening, Home school
Posted by Marci at 10:37 AM 92 comments
Labels: Free Stuff and Deals, Home school
When you're looking for something to do, don't forget about Free Comic Book Day.
You can find a local participating comic book shop on that website, but if you're around the Inland Empire, you should check out 4 Color Fantasies that day. Info on everything they're doing is here.
Just remember that comics, like movies, come for different age groups, but the folks at the store will probably be super helpful in finding the ones that are right for your kids.
(Or you, but I won't tell if you won't.)
Posted by Erik at 8:18 AM 0 comments
I found out some fun things to do coming up in the next few months and only two of the three are going to hurt my diet! Where did I find these things out, well I can't tell you. Well, I could but then I'd have to kill you! Just kidding! I got them off some of my homeschooling groups and thought that I would pass them on to you!
FREE Ben and Jerry's Cone Day on April 29th. Click on the link to find the one closest to you. For those of you who live near us the closest place is in Rancho Cucamonga. But hey, it's FREE Ben and Jerry's--it's worth a little drive!
$.31 cent scoops of ice cream at Baskin Robbins on April 30th from 5-10pm. Again click on the link to find the store closest to you. We have one just a couple blocks away from our house! I LOVE ice cream--hence why I need to shed a few pounds!
And now the third and final--select AMC Theaters are going to start their summer movie extravaganza in June. Again click on the link to find a participating theater near you. The closet one to us is the AMC Tyler Galleria 16 in Riverside. This year they will be charging $1 per person--it might be worth it if they are showing a movie that your kids love. The movies start at 10:00am each Wednesday.
Posted by Marci at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Free Stuff and Deals
Okay, so I'm blaming this sudden obsessive need to get organized on a few people! Come on, you know that my moods are never my fault. Right? :) I'm blaming Michelle for making her place look so cute, my brother Kent who is planning to come out and visit us sometime in the next couple of months (he's bringing his pretty serious girlfriend out to meet us), and the new matienece guy for finally getting the leak in our kitchen sink fixed after a month (I can now start putting things away).
Anyway, I made up a schedule of when I want each room/space completely clean, deep cleaned and organized. It's a bit lofty of a goal--but I need to be prepared for whenever Kent and Angela are coming out, the soonest would be the end of May and the latest would be the end of July! Thanks a lot little brother for causing me all this extra stress! :)
Posted by Marci at 11:14 AM 3 comments
Labels: Goals, Spring Cleaning
For those of you who don't know part of our homeschooling consists of me teaching the girls how to sew. They are having the time of their lives, and learning that sewing is harder and more time consuming than it looks. I have another blog set up all about me teching the girls how to sew. Both the girls and I are learning a lot through this journey.
Posted by Marci at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Labels: Home school, Sewing
Okay, I had to post this offer here. You can get a sample of Sani Hands For Kids, by just calling this toll-free number: 1-877-SANIKID (1-877-726-4543). It is all automated so you don't even have to talk to a live person, you give them you name and address, answer a few questions about sanihands for kids and then they will wend you out your FREE sample.
Now if any of you guys are on a strict budget like I am, you know that every little bit helps. So, if you use hand sanitizers and you want to save some money then give them a call. It will only take a couple of minutes, I already did it!
Posted by Marci at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Free Stuff and Deals, Frugal Living
One of the things that scared me the most about homeschooling when we first decided to home school, was how was I going to teach my girls how to read. I don't remember learning how to read, I've been reading as far back as I can remember. My husband was reading by the time he was four so he was no help either.
Posted by Marci at 1:16 PM 1 comments
Labels: Home school, Reading
Posted by Marci at 8:06 PM 5 comments
Okay, so some of you know Marci and I have been noodling around with blogs for a while. I thought I'd share where all the other pages we have around the Internet are. There are a lot of them. Some are serious, some are just experiments, and some are flat-out lame, but they're all here . . .
Marci's Blog On Children's TV at Bella Online
Marci has a weekly column at, a web portal targeted towards women. She mostly talks about educational TV, although I know she's got a big article on the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards she's working on . . .
Marci's Usborne Books Blog
As you know, Marci is also a consultant for Usborne Books. At this blog, she posts reviews of different cool products when she tests them out on the girls. There are pictures and stuff here, too.
Musings From The Doc
This is the blog that started it all . . . it was just a place for me to go and vent about stuff. It's got stuff in there about politics, TV shows, books, movies, and my life in general. If I had a personal blog before this one, it was probably that one.
The 365 Day Turnaround
This was a blog I started when I first decided to lose weight and get out of debt. It's a combination of informational articles and personal stuff about getting out of debt and getting fit. For a while I was even doing a weekly feature about different gambling games and why they're a bad idea. I liked doing this blog a lot, but haven't been doing much with it lately.
Yes, I do have a website that is not on Blogger. is a humor site my friend Jarrod and I work on like crazy sometimes and altogether ignore at other times. I'm looking to make some big improvements on it soon, though, and try to make it into something that can make a few dollars a month, in addition to having it be a place I can post on those rare occasions my brain thinks of something funny.
How To Manage People
This blog is basically about my management philosophies. I work in multi-unit management, and have both read and studied extensively on the subject of leadership. Nevertheless, this blog still manages to be fairly incomprehensible. But I really enjoy working on it--I'd love to make my living talking about the kinds of stuff I talk about on there.
Free Stuff Online
This blog has links to stuff you can get for free all over the Internet. Mostly samples, although it also has free educational materials and other stuff. We try to filter out anything that's not just straightforward, "Fill out your address and we'll send you something free."
Let's Save Some Money!
A blog in two parts: The first part are articles about saving money that Marci and I write, and the second part is links to sales all over the Internet from sites that are affiliates. Probably the two most useful posts are the two with links to places to get deals on used textbooks and other books and places to get travel discounts online.
Some Hero Stuff
This was originally intended to be a place where I would post reviews of graphic novels, except I never actually got around to reviewing any. I did manage to make around 40 posts so far, though, and I get the most hits for people searching for who would win in a fight between Batman and Snake-Eyes.
Teaching Kids To Sew
This is Marci's blog about her efforts to teach the girls how to sew, complete with pictures and stuff. I have it on good authority there will be a skirt project soon--stay tuned!
Okay, I think that's all of them. We're currently working on a couple of other websites that we'll probably post about at some point, but we're learning slowly about how this whole "making money online" thing works. Someday, we may just know enough to actually "make money." In the meantime, I think I'm the Internet authority on who would win in a fight between Batman and Snake-Eyes, and that's something, right?
Posted by Erik at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Okay, I had my checkup at the cardiologist on March 25th. Yep over a week ago and I can just now talk about it without losing it. So here's the results, not good, but not life threatening either. Just upsetting to me.
The day started out horrible, I was still sick with that congestion head cold thing, and had lost my voice because of it. I had just started my cycle, and since the heart surgery my cycle's have been longer and more painful, and I was bloated on top of that and PMSing, BIG TIME! And I had a start of a migraine. If I hadn't already had to reschedule this appointment I would have called and cancelled. But, I went.
First off my blood pressure was slightly elevated, so little in fact that if I was a normal person they wouldn't even blink an eye at it. But because of the heart surgery, they are freaking out! So, they upped my blood pressure medication, so now I take 50mg of a medicine that makes me tired, and I thought that I was having problems getting everything done before!
Keep in mind that I am emotional and hormonally at my limit, logic is not a strong point if mine on a good day, I tend to act and think emotionally. Hey, I am a woman! Anyway, the doctor says something like, "Hey, you know if you lost a little weight, it would probably help get your blood pressure under control." But what do I hear? "Hey, you fat hog if you just got up off your lazy butt we wouldn't have to up your medication." I told you, I'm emotional.
I am not stupid, I know that I need to lose weight, at the doctor's office I weighed 218. The most I have ever weighed! Even more than I weighed when I was pregnant, both times. So, I already feel like a loser.
I want to get down to 150, I was 12 pounds away before my surgery. Then I had the second surgery, and physically I recovered faster this time but emotionally, well let's just say I am still dealing with that part of the recovery.
After surgery I got so depressed, mostly about all the things I would be giving up forever. I think that I could have dealt with almost everything that I have had to give up but, I am still having problems, even some days now, that I will no longer be able to have children. Me the one who has always wanted to have a house full of kids, can no longer have any more.
So, how did I deal with my depression? I ate and shopped my way into oblivion. Not the logical choices for someone who is trying to lose weight and who's family is working so hard to get out of debt! So where does this leave me? At the heaviest weight I have ever been and still not out of debt.
Anyway, back to the doctor's, after I heard him tell me I should lose weight I was devastated. All I wanted to do was go home and curl up with a tub of ice cream or some chocolate and have a pity party for myself and then go shopping. I wanted to just cry and yell and blame someone for what I was going through. I don't cry in front of people, so I didn't cry at the doctor's, and I had the girls with me so waited until we got in the car and I was driving home before I let the tears fall, praying the whole time that the girls would keep themselves entertained so I didn't have to let them see me cry.
This time though, I was able to see that I was trying to drown my feeling with food and shopping and I resisted the urge and I went home. Erik was still there and I was able to cry on his shoulder and yell and scream and get it all out emotionally.
So, now I am on a mission, a mission that I have to tell everyone so I can be accountable. I am going to lose the 60 pounds by the end of the year! I will be 150 pounds, I will be able to decrease my medicine, and I will be thankful for everything I do have. When a blue day hits I will look at what I do have and be grateful. I will be fit and healthy, I will have a wonderful family, and we will be out of debt. (As of this morning I weigh 214. Go me! Go me!)
This time I am mad and determined enough to do it. For anyone who knows me, the best way to get me to do something is to tell me that I can't or to tell me something that I already know in a "you're so stupid, Marci" kind of way. So, even though the doctor didn't say the things the way that I heard them, it upset me enough, that I am going to do this to show him!
Not the best attitude to have and this is a quality that I have always had and it's something that I have to work on. Unfortunately, I sometimes see this same quality in my girls and I want to scream. How did my mom ever put up with me?! I'm sorry mom and dad for everything I ever put you through!!
Posted by Marci at 12:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: Doctor's, dreams, Goals, Weight Loss
For school today I had the girls draw a picture and write a short story to go with what they drew. They loved it! They are definitely following in their daddy's footsteps with their love of telling stories.
Posted by Marci at 7:41 PM 4 comments
Labels: dreams, Home school, writing