Okay, this is my first time participating in the bloggy giveaways! I actually won something last time, me who never wins anything! So , I thought that I would go ahead and give some stuff away myself.

How it works is really simple, you leave a comment about your favorite thing about home schooling and I will randomly select a winner on April 27th, and you win the book The Homeschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith. I somehow ended up with two copies so I thought I'd share, it's a great resource book.
Not home schooling yet? Just thinking about home schooling? That's okay, you can still win, just leave a nice comment about homeschooling, I reserve the right to delete any comments made.
You don't have to be a blogger to win, just make sure that you leave an email address so I can contact you if you win! Because of the cost of shipping I am going to have to limit this to giveaway to U.S. participants only.
That's it, pretty simple! Just don't forget to leave a comment about homeschooling (no "please enter me," or "I want to win," etc.)--if you don't you won't be entered to win.
Also don't forget to check out my other blogs for more chances to win more FREE stuff!
I'm not a homeschooler, but I have several friends who are who could possibly benefit from this book. And I would read it, myself, because I have often thought about HSing. I just don't know if I have the courage to do it, and I applaud those who do and do it well!
I am truely amazed at how many resources there are for homeschoolers. I am not a homeschooler yet, but everyday I think I am closer to it. I have been reading a lot about it and this book is on my list of books to read.
I have wanted to home school for so long maybe this is the boost i need!
We are just starting to homeschool this fall. I'll have a 1st grader, and a 4 and 5 year old. I'll do pre-k stuff with them. I'm new at this, and would LOVE the book!
We are in our 4th year of homeschooling and this year, I had two out of three. Next year, it will be three. It's a huge challenge, but the thing I think I like most is teaching my children how to think for themselves.
Connor is just a year old yet.. so I have some time to decide what I am going to do.. I honestly have no idea yet what I am going to do.. but Ive seriously considered homeschooling
I am running a bloggy party right now too with tons of prizes! Come check us out!
have to decide within the next 2 years whether or not I will...thanks for the offer. there is a LARGE support group here though so that is nice.
Due to medical issues, we took a homeschool hiatus this year, but are planning to get back into it this summer. My favorite thing about hsing is that our time is our own and we can go on as many fieldtrips as we like and learn about whatever strikes our fancy. (ok so it's hard for me to have one favorite reason)
I'd love to homeschool my son when he gets of age. This would come in handy! :)
Oh my goodness gracious!!!! I totally would LOVE this!! My hubby and I just decided to start homeschooling and this would be such a fantastic thing to help!!!!! Thank you soooo much for this chance!!!!
I'm not a homeschooler, but I'm thinking about becoming one! My oldest starts kindergarten this fall, and we've enrolled her in a charter school. But....I still remain open to homeschooling and would love some help and info to make it a little less daunting!
Our babies are all under 3 (27 months, 7 months and we're due again in the fall), but we're already seriously considering homeschooling. My husband has been a public high school teacher for almost 30 years and was skeptical at first, but now he's right on board with the idea. He's seen so many things wrong with the school system where he teaches that he just wants better for our kids (and so do I!).
I'm sure this book will come in handy soon. Enter me, please!
We just started this year with my middleschooler..going great...love that we are getting closer during that weird time called puberty
I love being with my kids and knowing that they are not getting junk filled into their heads!
Well, I'm not a homeschooling mom yet (my DS is only 2!), but I AM a homeschooling-kid-graduate! :) My favorite thing about HSing, from the student perspective, was that I could finish my work in the morning hours and have the rest of my day to just BE. When I entered public school in 8th grade, I was intensely frustrated by how much time was wasted waiting on the rest of the class to finish something, moving from class to class... and then when I got home, I still wasn't "done." :)
fizzledink AT gmail DOT com
What a great giveaway. I have to be honest, I'm not homeschooling (my daughter is only 1) but I have a lady in my church who is going to start homeschooling her 3 boys (she also has a in-home daycare) and she is soo excited to get them out of the public school. The boys are also excited (6th grade, 4th grade and Kindergarten).
I'd love to win this book! I don't have any kids yet, but I was homeschooled myself and I wouldn't do it any other way. It would be great to have this book for future reference.
i have hsed for 15 yrs and after a seies of traumas happening to our family i am burned out ! maybe i can get inspired again!
Great giveaway. One of our favorite parts about homeschooling is seeing my son just take off on a topic and get so excited and enthusiastic. I just don't recall that happening with me in school. Last month it was ancient Egypt.
We love homeschooling. I love all the little "it" moments with my children. Wendy
I would LOVE to homeschool my kids when they're older, but I'm afraid I don't have enough self-discipline for it. Great giveaway!
I am pregnant with my first, so would love to read this and make a good decision about schooling for Baby!
I have been homeschooling now for 8 years officially and LOVE it. I'll be homeschooling for at least 18 more God-willing! :)
Great blog by the way! :)
What I love about homeschooling is the interaction with my kids. I just love watching them learn and helping them in their love of learning.
katie_mmartin (at) yahoo [dot] com
I have been looking into homeschooling my children way before I had any. My dd is 13 mns and I will be homeschooling her in a few years. I feel that she will get a far better education by being homeschooled then put into the public school system! I feel that education should begin in the home and then reinforced in the outside world.
I am mommy to four little boys, ages 6, 4-1/2, 3, and 1...with a little girl due in August! I currently homeschool my 6 year old, he's in Kindergarten and plan on homeschooling the rest of them!
This book would be a great resource to have!
We've been homeschooling for 5 months and we love it. I love the flexibility and freedom to choose the curriculum. Also, the freedom to go as fast or slow as you like.
My kids love to play school and I have been considering actually homeschooling them--my oldest starts kindergarten in the fall. Thanks for the giveaway. You can check out my giveaway, too
I was homeschooled and am thinking about homeschooling my little guy but he's only 14 months old. I loved the "customized" education and would love to pass that onto my son.
I have seriously considered homeschooling but not sure if I really could. This would be good to read :)
I homeschool my kindergarten age son and do a pre-K program for my daughter. Sadly, my oldest went to public school this year for the sports ( he is in junior high now)I love giving the kids the attention they want and need without having to spend 7 hours a day on bookwork!
My favorite thing is not dealing with public school and having to do what they say;). I am just honery that way.
I'm kind of new to homeschooling as we've just been doing some light preschool stuff. Kindergarten homeschool starts this fall and I'm really looking forward to it. I love to see my little boy's eyes sparkle when he discovers something new and comes up with a really good question. I also love watching him try to teach or explain what he learned to his little brother.
I'm actually on my quest for information on HSing. I will be HSing my ds10 this fall and need all the help I can get.
I love that I'm learning right along with my children! Something new every day...
Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com
We are not homeschooling yet. Just weighing our options. A positive for homeschooling (in my opinion) is being able to control the outside influences she will be exposed to.
Thanks for your generosity!
Well, let's see I have been homeschooling for 8 years now. I have one in 8th grade, 5th grade, 2nd grade, and K. I have two more in homeschool preschool. I love it, can't imagine doing it any other way! I am a bit nervous about high school though... all the record keeping! Ack!
My favorite thing about homeschooling is seeing how close my blessing and I have become since we started. She wants to be with me more-even when we're not schooling.
My favorite thing about homeschooling is that my children are close. They are boy/girl and 5 years apart in age. I know they would not enjoy the same closeness if they were spending their days in separate schools.
I have been homeschooling since 2001. I have an 8th grader and a 2nd graders. Our youngest (6 months) will be homeschooled as well. I love homeschooling because it allows me to make sure my children are learning about God, and how he is behind everything that they learn. I also like that my children are not being drilled to become robots and can learn to think for themselves, and form there own opinions.
I am not a homeschooler, but I am a teacher, so I would love the book!
My favorite thing about homeschooling: Being close to my kids (and being able to stay in my jammies :) )
We have seriously considered homeschooling so this would be a great resource for us. Great giveaway!
I love being the one who teaches my children, and seeing them when they get something I have taught them.
Please include me in your drawing.
Oh, I would really like this. We're going to be homeschooling for Kindergarten and 1st grade next year and I'm feeling stressed!!
I'm going to be officially homeschooling my kindergartener this fall, but I also run an in-home daycare and do all kinds of things with the little kids, so this would be a great resource!
I can't wait to start making a list of all the things I love about hs'ing. :)
We aren't homeschooling specifically yet (my oldest is only 4), but it certainly is on our radar. My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!
I have not homeschooled my children yet but I find the ideal of it so much better then public schooling.
I'm interested in homeschooling because we work overseas. My oldest is 3 1/2 so we are getting close!
well my son's not quite 2, but my hubby was homeschooled so it's certainly a possibility for our kids
Homeschooling gives me the freedom to spend time with my children. To see all the little moments , watch over them, pray over them and guide and love them.
Homeschooling mom of 6
I don't homeschool, but i do work hard with my kids (3 & 5) at home in addition to preschool. I think if you are dedicated and patient and are able to, that is awesome.
Well we homeschool and this looks like a book I would enjoy reading. I love having my kids around me and not sending them away daily.
I was homeschooled, And Due to circumstcances It looks like thats the direction God is leading my hubby and I as well.
I really enjoyed being homeschooled because of the relationship that built between my mom and I because of it. We are best friends now and I think that because of Homeschooling it's all the better.
I am Mommy to a toddler, and we are still weighing our options. I have been collecting some free homeschool stuff online here and there thinking even if we do go the brick-n-mortar school route, I would still like to keep him well rounded and have info to supplement / help what he would be working on and learning.
Thanks for offering the book. Looks like a great read!
I don't have little ones yet, but my hubby and I have talked about homeschooling. I'd love to read this book to find out more about it!
The best part about homeschooling is that your child doesn't get caught up in all the behavior issues.
My favorite thing about homeschooling is watching their faces at that moment when they really get it.
I like the thought of homeschooling, but I am afraid that I wouldn't be able to maintain control, and be able to switch from Mommy-Mode, to Teacher-Mode. If that makes any sense.
What a great prize!
I am offering giveaways all week also! Make sure you come by and enter, as well as read my blog on everything from parenting, life, marriage, and my trip through infertility.
I guess I"m a wanna-be homeschooler :) Actually I'm not sure I have the courage to do, but I would really like to. I think this book would be a great help!
Theresa Marie
Hi there! We will be homeschooling our daughter this coming fall so this would be a nice addition for our ever increasing collection of books of this kind. My favorite thing about homeschooling will be, not having to ask anybody else's permission to go on vacation in the middle of the school year!
being able to control what my kids learn
i am not a homeschooler yet, but my husband and i are planning to homeschool our 10mo old daughter and any future children. neither of us were homeschooled, so we need all the help we can get!
I'm not technically a homeschooler just yet, but can we count teaching my 9 month old her colors homeschooling? I am looking forward to the years to come as we embark on the responsibility and privilege of homeschooling. I love your post about teaching them about earth day. Keep up the great work!
My favorite part of homeschooling is spending time with my kids. I enjoy learning right along with them :).
I am interested in homeschool. Hubby was homeschooled, I went to public school. Our school system here is very corrupt and below average.
If I were to homeschool, the best part of it would be tailoring the curriculum to each child and allowing them to grow and expand at a rate that they needed instead of having to wait for a class.
I don't have any resources on homeschooling so I'm definitely interested in this giveaway!
This is my first year homeschooling, and my favorite thing about it is not having to send my children away from me every day.
I love being able to work with the kids' individual strengths, rather than having my kids learn to learn just like everybody else.t
I've been contemplating homeschooling my daughter when she starts school, but I just don't know much about it. Great giveaway, thanks!
My girls are too young for school yet, but we're currently considering the homeschooling option. This might be a great resource.
I'm planning on homeschooling my kids, so this would be great! Thanks!
Thanks for the great giveaway! My husband and I want to homeschool our children when they're old enough. Thanks!
I have started thinking about homeschooling my children. It would be great to learn more about it!!
Thanks for offering an opportunity to really learn more.
This is my first time visiting your blog and I am sooo happy I found you! My son is about to turn three and we have gone against the grain, so to speak, in just about every way with him--the biggest being that we don't vaccinate him. This is a decision we made after months and now YEARS and we have gotten so many rude comments and bad treatment for it. It is difficult for all of us. Because of this fact and the fact that I went to college to be a teacher and was less than thrilled with the school system here, we have been toying with the idea of homeschooling. This is a discussion much too long to leave in a blog post, but I just want to say it is so nice to bump into someone so excited about homeschooling. I hear so many bad things when I mention homeschooling and could use the extra encouragement that you (and this book--hee hee hee!) could bring. Thank you for considering me!
Both my sisters homeschool their children as well as a cousin and a few others I know,and I plan to homeschool as well. We've already unofficially started. It's great for those who are able to do so.
Thanks for the giveaway.
well, i don't home school yet as my girls are young still, but i definitely am planning to homeschool and would love to see what this book has to say. i think homeschooling is great b/c you choose what is taught to your kids. schools out there are getting so bad. thanks for entering me! thegoodmanfam at msn dot com
I am going to begin homeschooling my 12 y/o son this fall and I am sooooo anxious. I have heard how it completely changes the childs experience. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about it from the library but most of it is outdated. This book would definately come in handy.
Mrs. Mandy 300sms@gmail.com
Thanks for offering such a great prize - I hope I'm the lucky winner! :)
homeschooling allows kids to maximize their education time
I love homeschooling b/c it allows me to have so much interaction with my precious children. To see the joy when they learn to read or write something new. To go on outings together and see the wonder that animals or architecture brings. I would hate to miss all that, and feel so blessed that I get to be a part of it.
I homeschool, have homeschooled for a combined total of 11 years, advocate it if you can possibly do it, and I love it very much! My daughters enjoy it too. I like having a say in my children's education and upbringing, and I love spending time with them. I read a lot on the internet about homeschooling and I get great tips. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! My email address is 4bizkidz@bellsouth.net
Both my husband and I were homeschooled and now we homeschool our kids. I love being able to tailor each subject to how each one of my children learn. I also love being able to take breaks when we want and learn when we want.
e-mail is on my profile page.
Would love to win this. I will be starting homeschooling my son who will be turning 5 in a couple of months and I am trying to start to gather as many resources I can now.
We home-educated our boys for a total of 16 yrs! We graduated our youngest last spring! This year I am still home-educating! lol I was asked to home-educate 2 of my grand-nephews! I love it! Let's see..I dont think I can pick ONE favorite thing...how about 2?....one is the sheer amount of quality time you get to spend with the boys...and the other is watching them learn, grow, grasp the concepts. This winter I was sure they weren't learning anything & I was SO frustrated. Then this week..WOW! the amount of things they know!! WOO HOO! PTL!!!
Thanks for doing this! I hope to particiapte in the next bloggy give-a-way!
I'm 7 months pregnant right now, and I know that its a long way off but I plan on homeschooling when they are old enough. I like how homeschooling gives you the oppurtunity to teach your children what you want them to learn and know.
My e-mail address is
I'm starting "officially" with my son for kindergarten next year. WHOO HOO!
I'm pseudo-homeschooling my son right now (he's preschool age). My sister and cousin were both homeschooled, and right now I'm researching whether or not I want to continue. This would be a great resource!
meg (dot) wilson (at) gmail (dot) com
I was homeschooled for a year in high school and what I liked best about it was that I was able to work at my own pace. I think this book would come in handy especially since my fiancee and I are balancing our opinions on whether we should homeschool our son (who's due in May).
My favorite part of homeschooling is being able to witness my kids learning. I can't imagine missing that!!
I go to a mainly homeschool church that seriously OPENED MY EYES! I just bought my 1st set of books and my son has picked it up pretty easily! Sing Spell Read to Write is GREAT!
my son is still young (10 months) but my husband and I have considered homeschooling for the flexibility and ability to influence my son with more mommy time.
My favorite thing about homeschooling is the flexibility to learn ANYWAY I WANTED TO! I can't get that fact across enough to non-homeschooling friends. Workbook pages do not equal school. LEARNING equals school.
My favorite thing about homeschooling.... We have more flexibility, and can teach to each indvidual need. It's Okay if one of my boys is upside down reading a book ;)
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