For those of you who don't know we have a cat! Yes, a cat. Yes, Erik is allergic to cats. But he lets us bring in a stray cat that sort of adopted our family when her owners abandoned her when they moved. She has been with us for more than a year, and inside for a year.
Isn't Erik a great dad and husband? He let us move her inside even though he is so allergic and now has to take an allergy pill every day. What a sweetie! We can't possibly thank him enough.
The girls wanted to have a birthday party for Brandy, the cat. So we told them to pick a day in June, since that was the month that she moved in with us!
So join us on a picture journey of the birthday party!

The opening of the presents!
Mia held Brandy while Emma opened the presents! Brandy got two new cat toys and homemade kitty "cookies"

The girls set the table with party ware!

The presents all wrapped up!

The cards/pictures that the girls made for Brandy!
Okay, so I still can't believe Erik has a cat! I know he love you three girls because growing up he almost died everytime he saw a cat!! Looks like a fun party!
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