Christmas is usually my favorite time of year! I love the excitement, decorating, present buying, present wrapping, baking, and everything else that comes with the holidays! But this year I have been a total Grinch.
Okay, maybe not total as I did still do all the same Christmas activities, but I certainly did not have the same excitement. We put up our Christmas tree, last week mostly so the girls would stop bugging me about it. I feel just terrible!
And this year instead of goody trays I made mini loaves of bread, so I wouldn't eat all the goodies and balloon up again. I was up until 2:00am last night finishing up so Erik could take them around to his stores. It's my own fault, I've had all the ingredients for a week and just kept putting it off.
In the midst of all the holiday preparations my Grandma Uber passed away. She had a stroke the day before Thanksgiving and the doctors didn't think that she would make it through the week. I was heart broken. We have not been out to see everyone in over a year and I wanted to be there one last time to see her and have her see the girls one last time. But finances being what they are we couldn't afford it.
After the week had passed she started to show improvement. SO, I didn't feel the pressing need to get out there . We were hoping that she would hold out until we could make it out next year. A couple of weeks go by and the reports are all good.
And then I got the phone call, she suddenly got worse. She was in so much pain that they had her on so much pain medication that she was pretty much out of it. And then my Grandpa Joe had to make the hard decision to take out her feeding tube and such and let her go. The next afternoon she was gone.
The funeral was yesterday in Pennsylvania and here I am in California trying to get excited about Christmas. I feel like I am just going through the motions. Paste on the smile, give the gifts, wish everyone a Merry Christmas--over and over again.
It's not so much missing the funeral that hurts so much it's missing the last chance to say goodbye. Being LDS I know that she is in a better place. I know that she is surrounded by friends and family that have gone before and I know that she is happy. I know that she can see us, it just hurts so bad that I can't see her.
So, if my smiles seem more fake than real and the Merry Christmas greeting seems empty please understand that I am trying.
We do wish you all a Merry Christmas. May your Christmas be great and the New Year wonderful!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Where's My Holiday Spirit?
Posted by Marci at 8:42 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Breakfast With Santa
On Saturday we had breakfast with Santa for the kids. We had a breakfast of pancakes at 9:00am and then Santa came.
Unfortunately since I am part of the activities committee I had to get there early to set up. But before I could go to the church I had to stop at the store and pick up the orange juice for breakfast. (I didn't have enough room in my fridge to keep it in there until it was time.) And Erik had to go into the office so I had to get the girls up and take them with me. So, on a cold and gloomy Saturday we were up at 5:30am! Can you tell that I'm not a morning person?
Anyway, we had a pretty good turn out and it seemed like everyone had a good time. If you didn't just lie to me and say you did! ;)
The girls knew exactly what to do when it was their turn to sit on Santa's lap. They jumped right up and told him what they wanted. Santa brings our kids one toy each year and then the rest are from mom and dad. It's easier on Santa that way!

The completed puzzle!
Posted by Marci at 4:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I got tagged!
Okay, so I know that Veronica tagged me like, oh ages ago. Being the slacker procrastinator that I am, I am finally doing it today! (You know it's been a long time when you have to go searching through a few pages of old posts on some one's blog to find the questions that you're suppose to answer!) Better late than never, right? Can I alteast get an A for effort?
Anyway, enough of my crazy rambling! Here it is the answers you have all been waiting to see. Hopefully, you weren't holding your breath! Because I'm afraid that we have probably killed brain cells waiting. And some of us don't have many to lose!
8 Things I Like A Whole Lot
1. My family--they have to love me! Thanks everyone! (especially Erik and the girly-girls)
2. Friends--sometimes I wonder why they love me!
3. The Gospel--can you imagine how much more screwed up I'd be? I shudder at the thought!
4. Chocolate covered pretzels--my absolute favorite though I will eat anything chocolate!
5. Cooler weather--I can finally go outside without melting into a puddle!
6. Exercising--some days more than others!
7. My creative spirit--someday I will finish all those projects I've started! ;)
8. Laughter--it's the best medicine! I'd rather laugh than cry!
8 Phrases I say Often
1. "Come on Girly-girls!"
2. "If there's no blood you aren't hurt that bad!"
3. "There is no whining in . . ." (go ahead fill in the blank)
4. " Do you understand what I'm saying?" (or some variation--a lot of time the answer is no)
5. "I love you!"
6. "No, you're crazy!"
7. "I have to learn how to say no!" (usually spoken to myself)
8. "Everything will be fine" (even if I'm only repeating it over and over to myself! Did you notice I talk to myself alot? do I talk to myself because no one listens or because I answer myself faster than anyone else!)
8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Go skydiving/hand gliding--imagine me flying! WWWEEEEEE!!!
2. Travel--I know that's a pretty generic answer!
3. Adopt--since I can't have anymore of my own this is the only way I will have a big family.
Well, the only legal way at least!
4. Get a house--yes, we are still renting but one day I will have my own house!
5. Live--I don't want to get old nor do I want to grow up! I do want to live a full life through!
6. Watch my girls grow up into strong, beautiful , and smart women
7. Lose weight--I want to get down to 150 and stay there!!!!
8. Live debt free--debt sucks!
8 Things I've Learned From My Past
1. There are times when you need to speak up
2. There are times when you need to shut up (I'm confused too! I usually end up mixing up
when to do what!)
3. Forgive others
4. Stressing doesn't get anything done--so stop stressing! Easier said than done!
5. Kids will always do what they see not what they hear!
6. My parents deserve a medal--I put them through a lot!
7. Have a plan but always be ready to make a detour!
8. Live life to the fullest!!!
8 Places I'd Love To Visit
1. Pennsylvania--always #1 stop! My family is still there!
2. Anywhere where there is someone to visit--I'm more about the people than the place!
3. China--Erik really wants to go and Mia's got an obsession with anything China
4. Hawaii--doesn't everyone?
5. Europe--wouldn't it be fun to say you've been there?
6. A US History trip--I would love to take the time and visit all the highlights
7. A LDS History Trip--I would love to visit all the LDS points of interest
8. Australia--what can I say I love the accent and I always had a huge crush on The Man From
Snowy River
8 Things I currently Need Or Want
1. A massage daily--you didn't say it had to be realistic!
2. A house--hopefully we will get one in the next couple years
3. A haircut--I really really need one, this isn't a want but a need!
4. Get out of debt and live debt free--almost there!
5. Reach my goal weight--150, oh I would love to be a size 8! I don't think that I have ever been
a size 8 except for when I was so sick. So, I guess I want to be a healthy size 8
6. Be able to visit my family more often--I miss you guys!!!
7. I want to know that I'm a good mom and doing what's best for my kids!
8. I want everyone to know that I appreciate you all so much!!!
I tag--Rachel, Charlyn, Melissa, and Lori!!! I bet the family is really glad that I now have some blogging friends! Now they don't get picked on all the time!
Posted by Marci at 1:58 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Disneyland Fun!!
On Friday we went to Disneyland, that was our families' big Christmas present! The girls had a blast, as did Erik and I.
It reminded me of when Erik and I went to Disneyland for our honeymoon. For those of you who don't know, I grew up in Pennsylvania, so I had never been to Disneyland. I had been to lots of amusement parks, I LOVE roller coasters!! So, I assumed that Disneyland would be like the other amusement parks I had attended--lots and lots of roller coasters.
Well, I could not have been more wrong. There are hardly any roller coasters, which works out well for families with young children. I remember being so disappointed with Disneyland that day.
Now that I have kids of my own I understand the magic of Disneyland. So, while my first experience with Disneyland was way below expectations, every other visit has been magical!
Erik's boss had made reservations at the blue Bayou restaurant inside Disneyland for their work Christmas party. The food was great, but no kids allowed at the party. So, Erik's parents made the drive down to Anaheim to pick up the girls and take them home. They went way beyond Grandparent duty that night! Thanks again!

You also get to meet some of the fairies and get your picture taken with them. Here the girls are with Tinkerbell!

Posted by Marci at 4:23 PM 5 comments
Labels: Christmas, Disneyland, Family
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Family Home Evening
Okay, you all know about my thankful kick, right? So, since I was lesson for Family Home Evening last night I decided to do a lesson on thankfulness. (For those of you who are not LDS, Family Home Evening--FHE--is a night where you get together as a family, usually having a little lesson, play a game, go somewhere, sing, pray, and best of all have a treat!)
Anyway, for my lesson I decided to steal an idea I saw somewhere, I don't remember where and give it a Marci twist. We made a banner of things that we are thankful for. Everyone got 5 index cards and drew a picture and wrote what it was, everyone also had to put their name and the date on it. I think that we will keep adding to it everyone once in a while to help us remember all we have to be thankful for. We were all suppose to come up with something that was different from everyone else.
Erik, is thankful for bedtime, the Internet, dishwasher, bubbles, and imagination. Mia is thankful for her Dad, Emma, Mom (she's so sweet you could get a toothache), Brandy (the cat), and books. I am thankful for flowers, family, friends, music, and chocolate. Even though I'm trying eat healthy I still have a bag of Hershey kisses in the freezer. That way I can have a couple a day and being frozen they last longer in your mouth! Emma is thankful for Miriam, Elmo, the Temple, comic books, and the Emma-hole.
Side note about the Emma-hole, the Emma-hole is something that Emma herself invented. It is an imaginary place that sounds like a lot of fun, they have everything there, flying cars, Disneyland everyday, a bubble machine, and more. Everything Emma wants happens in the Emma-hole. There is a whole family in the Emma-hole with lots of brothers and sisters for her, can you tell that she wants to come from a big family. There are lots of friends there too, she has a kazillion million friends in there. When she gets mad she goes to the Emma-hole, I think it's because the mom in the Emma-hole is nicer. She has an Emma-hole everywhere she goes, the one here is under Mia's bed where her trundle bed goes during the day! She also has a Emma-hole everywhere she goes, a lot of times it's under the table at a friend's home. She has started a trend, everyone has their own hole. Mia has a Mia-hole, Erik has a Daddy-hole and a Erik-hole, her friends have their own holes--though some are lazy and just go to the Emma-hole ;), and I have a Mommy-hole. When Emma gets mad at me and tells me that she is going to her Emma-hole because the mommy in the Emma-hole is nice, I tell her that's great because the Emma in the mommy-hole doesn't whine!
Anyway, so we have all the cards with the things that we are thankful for strung on a string hanging on our wall. This will hopefully help us remember all our blessings and remind us to show more gratitude and thankfulness to everyone but most especially our Heavenly Father who gave us everything!
Posted by Marci at 9:15 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Being Thankful For What I Have!
With the holidays season upon us and Thanksgiving having just passed, I have been giving great thought about what I am thankful for. There are so many blessings that I have that I don't show gratitude for.
The first one is my husband, he always bears the brunts of my bad moods and emotional roller coasters. I can be sweet and nice to everyone, even complete strangers but I unleash all the attitude on him. What a sweetie he is to put up with it all.
The second is my family! My girly-girls, who are just absolutely perfect, maybe I'm just a little biased, but I don't think so! ;) My parents and brothers and their families, even though we don't get to see each other often and some I haven't met--I still love you all! Especially since you are making my bros so happy! And then there's the in-laws! Yes, sometimes they drive me crazy, because we do things SO different. And I'm sure that I drive them even crazier! But I really do love them all! And don't forget those friends that are so near and dear to me that they might as well be related! Even though we aren't related by blood we are definitely related in spirit!
Thirdly all the worldly things I have. A home, food, clothes, presents, books, movies, everything I have! I know that I sometimes get caught up in what I don't have or the things I want or think I need. Like I want a house, not an apartment to live in--but at least it's not a cardboard box. And it really is good enough for us, and it's in a fun little neighborhood. So, why do I complain so much?
Fourth, the church. The knowledge that I have that the church is true, and that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. And all our blessings come from him. That he does truly care about us and knows each one of us. If you really think about that it is truly breathtaking and awe inspiring. He cares about me, flaws and all. And believe me I have my fair share and more of those flaws!
Lastly, my life and my health. For those of you don't know I underwent my second open heart surgery 1 1/2 years ago. I had my first in 1999. Complications due to a misdiagnosis, long story, not so fun! Anyway, the important thing is that I am still here able to enjoy all my blessings!
And though my life is not turning out the way I have planned and replanned it is still going. But why do I tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive? Why do I whine about all the doctor's appointments and medicine. Why do I focus on the fact that I am no longer able to have anymore kids, when I always wanted a houseful, instead of enjoying and being thankful for the ones I have? Why do I moan and complain about the extra weight I put on during those dark depression filled months after the surgery, instead of being grateful that I am out of that dark hateful place and I am able to work on getting the extra weight off?
Anyway, my goal is to try and be more focused on that which I have instead of what I don't. I am going to find 10 things that I am grateful for everyday and recognize all that I do have. So, that's the beginning of my list for today! What about you? What are you thankful for?
Posted by Marci at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Girls Ballet/Tap Class!
The girls have a Ballet/Tap class every Friday in Rancho Cucamonga. It counts towards their PE curriculum for home school, and the Charter school pays for it! They go to Valverde School of Performing Arts for both dance classes. We love Valverde! The teachers are great, the staff super kind, and the girls learn a ton!
Valverde is across the street from the Victoria Gardens, so if anyone in the area is interested go check them out. They give you 1 FREE lesson so your child can try it out and see if it's a good fit or not. They also use that FREE lesson to make sure that class is not too hard or easy for your child. Did I mention that we love them?
Unfortunately their Holiday recital is on a Sunday this year so we will be unable to attend. Both girls were great about it though. When I told them that it was on Sunday they both looked at me and said, "Oh, so we won't be able to go because that's not a Sunday activity."
Don't you love it when something that you've taught them comes out? I always get so excited and think "Wow! You really were listening!" Don't ask me why I still get so excited. It must be a mom thing!

And practicing some more! I got to go in and watch the whole piece they are going to be doing fro the recital! Lucky me! I love it!

Posted by Marci at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Labels: Dance Class, Home school
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Feeding The Ducks

Up close feeding time
If they get any closer they will be on the bench with the girls
Posted by Marci at 9:02 PM 3 comments

Erik and the girls in their Halloween costumes. Mia is Silver Mist from the new Tinkerbell movie, Emma is Snow White, and Erik is Jack Bauer from the TV show from 24.
Posted by Marci at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Art On Exhibit
The girls are so super-dee-duper excited about this! They have a picture from their art class hanging up in the museum.
Granted the pictures are hanging up outside their art classroom, but it still inside the museum and anyone who goes in can see the pictures!
They were talking about symmetrical and asymmetrical paintings. They had to paint either a symmetrical or asymmetrical face!
They are pointing to their painting!
Posted by Marci at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: Art class, Home school, Museum
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carving Pumpkins!
We carved pumpkins for Family Home Evening last night. Mia loved it, so did Emma! Each of the girls had their own pumpkin, so did Erik and I.
We also invited our friend Melody to join us. She loved hearing the girls squealing because it was so squishy. We've "adopted" Melody into our family! Love ya, Melody!
We also toasted the pumpkin seeds. The girls loved the pumpkin seeds, too! I was kinda surprised by how much they liked the seeds.
Mia cleaning out her pumpkin, she cleaned the whole thing with her hands!
Emma cleaning out her pumpkin, I made her use her hands for the picture, the rest of the time she used a spoon!

Mia carving her pumpkin. I know I bought a pumpkin carving set and I put it in a safe place, it's so safe I still can't find it!
Emma carving her pumpkin. Since I couldn't find the pumpkin carving set we had to make do with regular knifes, which are not as good!

Erik with his pumpkin, he did a stencil of the Marshmallowy guy from Look at his arms they're orange from cleaning out the pumpkin! I thought that there was something wrong with my camera or the Kodak program at first!
Mia and Emma with their pumpkins! Didn't they turn out cute? The girls did it all by themselves, well mostly all by themselves!
Posted by Marci at 7:41 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Art Class
This fall the girls have been taking an art class. They attend the art class at the Riverside Art Museum, and their Charter School pays for it!
The art class that they attend is called Kids Open Studio. They go to class each Thursday evening for 1 1/2 hours. The first part the teacher introduces a new painting and concept. She talks about it and then does a real quick demonstration. Then the kids make something using that technique or concept taught.
After they complete that project the kids are then free to use whatever supplies they have to create whatever they want. They have paper, markers, paints, crayons, colored pencils, clay, all kinds of stuff!
The girls love it!
Posted by Marci at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Art class, Home school
Friday, October 17, 2008
Go Ducks!
While eating at Red Robin last week, I filled out a couple of forms for the girls to be entered into a couple drawings. A couple days after our visit we get a call, Miriam's name had been drawn and she had won FREE tickets to an Anaheim Ducks Hockey Game!

The girls and Wild Wing!

The rink from our seats
Girls in front of the players seats
Posted by Marci at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family, Free Stuff and Deals, Sports