On Saturday we had breakfast with Santa for the kids. We had a breakfast of pancakes at 9:00am and then Santa came.
Unfortunately since I am part of the activities committee I had to get there early to set up. But before I could go to the church I had to stop at the store and pick up the orange juice for breakfast. (I didn't have enough room in my fridge to keep it in there until it was time.) And Erik had to go into the office so I had to get the girls up and take them with me. So, on a cold and gloomy Saturday we were up at 5:30am! Can you tell that I'm not a morning person?
Anyway, we had a pretty good turn out and it seemed like everyone had a good time. If you didn't just lie to me and say you did! ;)
The girls knew exactly what to do when it was their turn to sit on Santa's lap. They jumped right up and told him what they wanted. Santa brings our kids one toy each year and then the rest are from mom and dad. It's easier on Santa that way!

Emma asking for a Littlest Pet Shop Gym

Mia asking for a Barbie.
Okay one more quick story. Emma's Sunday school teacher, Melissa Zendejas got her class each a gift. (Well, Mia's teacher Gayle Sapronetti got her class a gift too but this story is about Emma's gift!) Anyway, part of the gift was a puzzle. Later that evening after church Emma decided that she wanted to do the puzzle. So, they got out the puzzle and started working on it.
While they were working on it I was putting together presents for the ladies I visit teach. They got the puzzle put together and oh no, there was a piece missing! So they searched every where all over the floor, on the table, under things sitting on the table and they couldn't find it!
Then it was time for bed and they still hadn't found the piece. They were so sad! Even Erik couldn't find the piece. I decided to give it a try and I'm looking everywhere, I'm even on my hands and knees under the table!
I then had this horrible thought that maybe I had accidentally put the puzzle piece into the gifts I was making for the ladies I visit teach. I really didn't want to take apart each gift just to find a puzzle piece--I had made the potpourri/light vase thingies--most of you have probably received one as a gift at some point. But being the good mom that I am I pick up the first vase ready to dump it out, and there stuck to the bottom of the vase where I had taken off the price tag was the puzzle piece!!!
Yay!!! So, I call the girls out give them the piece they put it on the puzzle we snap a quick picture and then they are off to bed! Good save, mom. I was able to be a heroine to the girls and I didn't have to dump out and redo each present! Whew!

The completed puzzle!
Yay for finding the puzzle piece! That picture is too cute how excited and proud they are.
Your girls are so adorable! I love seeing pictures of your fam! I would love to see some pictures of Ians fam too! Thanks for the pictures of Vaughns fam...it was so fun to see his cute little ones! I hope you guys have a great Christmas! :)
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