We carved pumpkins for Family Home Evening last night. Mia loved it, so did Emma! Each of the girls had their own pumpkin, so did Erik and I.
We also invited our friend Melody to join us. She loved hearing the girls squealing because it was so squishy. We've "adopted" Melody into our family! Love ya, Melody!
We also toasted the pumpkin seeds. The girls loved the pumpkin seeds, too! I was kinda surprised by how much they liked the seeds.
Mia cleaning out her pumpkin, she cleaned the whole thing with her hands!
Emma cleaning out her pumpkin, I made her use her hands for the picture, the rest of the time she used a spoon!

Mia carving her pumpkin. I know I bought a pumpkin carving set and I put it in a safe place, it's so safe I still can't find it!
Emma carving her pumpkin. Since I couldn't find the pumpkin carving set we had to make do with regular knifes, which are not as good!

Erik with his pumpkin, he did a stencil of the Marshmallowy guy from HomeStarRunner.com. Look at his arms they're orange from cleaning out the pumpkin! I thought that there was something wrong with my camera or the Kodak program at first!
Mia and Emma with their pumpkins! Didn't they turn out cute? The girls did it all by themselves, well mostly all by themselves!
Good job on the punkies. Way to get down and dirty!! :)
Awesome pumpkins!
I LOVE Mia's face in the first picture!! That was great! So funny! We didn't do pumpkins this year, but new year I know where we are coming! GREAT JOB!
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