Okay, I know that September is way past and October is almost over but I wanted to get these fun events documented. So, bear with me as I play catch up in the next few blog posts. I will start putting in recent stuff, I promise!!!
Anyway, every year the girls love to go to the LA County Fair. And because we are homeschoolers we get a chance to get in FREE! What can be better than that?
This year the day that we were going just happened to be the day after my parents and 3 youngest brothers got here to visit. So, they got to come too.
Erik made fun of me saying that he was sure that they flew all the way from small town PA just to visit a fair that's main attraction is farm animals. I told him that they flew all the way from small town PA to see us!
The girls love the farm animals and all the displays. We even got some pictures of the boys, though I had to be sneaky as some of the boys don't like to have their pictures taken. But hey I'm the oldest of 9 kids, I grew up being sneaky! ;)
As part of the Fair's promotions for school kids if they read 6 books they get 9 tickets for rides. So the girls go to ride some rides as well. And all they had to do was read some books and do a book report on it. Easy-peasy, as we are always reading for school!
Here are some pictures of everyone just having fun!

The girls doing an obstacle course

The spinning dragon ride--think teacups at Disneyland! I feel slightly sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

The girls got to pet an alligator.

Inside the animatronic dinosaur exhibit.

Petting the Big White Goat.

Petting the Little Black Calf.

The girls are sure getting big! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Looks like a fun time! I wanted to go this year, but we didn't get the chance. :( Good thing is there's always next year right?! ;)
Hey! I remember going to that fair as a kid!
What a fun day with your family! :)
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