So as if the Fair wasn't enough the next day we decided to take the girls to Downtown Disney. Well, it was kind of a spur of the moment decision.
After they got back from their sleepover they asked what we were doing that day and I said oh, probably nothing. Wrong answer! Then came the can we go to Build A Bear?
Since we didn't have anything else planned until that evening we figured sure why not?
The girls have been saving their money so they could go to Build A Bear! And yes there is a Build A Bear closer, but the one at Downtown Disney is SOOOO big. So, we figured that for their first Build A Bear bought with their own money we would go all out!

I told you it is BIG!
So we all loaded up in the car and off we went.

Waiting to get seated!
After the Rainforest Cafe we finally got to go to Build A Bear. (The girls were so excited they could barely eat their lunch!) Emma chose the elephant that she named Ella and Mia chose the new Hannah Montana Bear that she named Hannah!

Girls out front before we go in. Thanks for being so patient with me girls!

Mia stuffing Hannah!

Emma stuffing Ella!
Emma washing Ella
Mia washing Hannah
I liked the girls stuff animals. They are very cute. I thought it was funny Emma picked a ipod for her elephant.
Looks like a fun day at Downtown Disney! Don't you just love spur of the moment things sometimes! :)
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