It's become a tradition to go to Mammy and Grandpa's ward Halloween Party Halloween night. They always have it at the same place, the Ellsworth Ranch, and it's always on Halloween. This year was no exception.
Austin even came with us.
Enjoy the pics!

Austin in his costume. He went as Master Chief from Halo

Mia and Emma in their costumes. Emma is a zebra and Mia is a GI Diva
Austin soaking wet after bobbing for apples.

Austin bobbing for apples.

Mia after eating the marshmallow, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup without using her hands or any utensils.

Mia eating the above mentioned

Emma after eating the marshmallow, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup without using her hands or any utensils.

Emma eating the above mentioned

Emma bobbing for apples.

Mia bobbing for apples.

Mia and Emma eating dinner.