Monday, August 31, 2009
Emma's Losing Teeth!
Posted by Marci at 2:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Emma, Lost Teeth, Make money
Happy Birthday, Emma--Just A Few Days Late!!!
Emma turned 7 on the 26th of August! Wow! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing this tiny little bundle of joy home.
There are so many things that I LOVE about Emma. But I will just list a few:
1. Emma is crazy! Just ask her, she'll tell you!
2. She is always making me laugh with something that she is doing. It seems as if her mission in life is to keep everyone entertained.
3. She has a great imagination, for example the Emma-hole that I talked about in an older post. I am going to assume that you all know the story about the Emma-hole so I will not bore you all again, if you want to hear all the details again let me know!
4. She is so smart. As her homeschool teacher I get to see all the new stuff she is learning everyday, and man does she impress me with the things she knows and the questions she asks. I find myself saying a lot that's a great question for your dad or I guess we better look that up online to find out the answer. Thank goodness for google, it helps mommy look smart!
5. The faces that she makes, are just so cute. And every time I think of Emma I picture her with a scrunched up nose, eyes closed, big smile posing for the camera. We have a lot of pictures with the "classic Emma" face.
6. She is so creative. She is always the first one line to do anything artsy/crafty. She loves to create many different projects and masterpieces.
The things that Erik loves about Emma, to list a few.
1. Her fun sense of humor.
2. Her love of animals.
3. Her love of art, coloring, and drawing.
4. Her love of going new places and trying new things.
The things that Mia loves about Emma are.
1. She's funny
2. She's pretty
3. She's always there when I need help
4. "I just love Emma so so much!"
We love you Emma! Thanks for being such a great girl!
Posted by Marci at 2:11 PM 2 comments
We had promised the girls for Christmas two years ago that we would take them to the circus. Well, that first year we couldn't find a circus near us. So when in the second year I found cheap circus tickets for a circus 15-20 minutes from us I jumped on them and bought four tickets six months early!
Then Erik's grandfather passed away and the funeral was being held that same weekend. And the girls and I had been sick and didn't want to get anyone else sick. So, Erik went to the funeral and the girls and I took Mia's best friend Charlotte to the circus.
We attended the Barnum and Bailey Ringling Brothers Circus Musical Spectacular Zing Zang Zoom! There was elephants, zebras, tigers, acrobats, trapeze, dancers, singing, magic, and so much more. We had a great time!
They opened up the floor of the circus an hour early so you could meet some of the people in the circus and see some of the acts pretty close. With so many people crowding a round some of the things we were able to see better from our seats, we were in the 6th row! Good cheap seats, that's a great deal!
The girls decided that they want to run away to the circus. Charlotte wants to be one of the dancers because "they are in the show alot but the don't have to do any dangerous stunts." Emma wants to work with the animals, especially the elephants, because she loves animals. And Mia is having a tough time deciding, she likes all the acrobatic stuff, like the cirque de soleil inspired stunts, but she also likes the dancing, and the ringmaster!
Here are a few pictures that turned out okay. I will be having Erik show me how to put together a video, because we shot a ton of video!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
An Update On Emma's Leg
When Emma was 8 months old the doctors discovered that there was something wrong with the bone in her lower left leg. At first they had no idea what is was and they ran a zillion tests on her. (okay, maybe I am exaggerating just a little bit--but it's not by much)

Posted by Marci at 4:02 PM 4 comments